MS Thesis Milestones

Thesis-Based MS milestones

Term Milestones / Major events Student Responsibility
August Prior to Start of Fall Term ·      Attend Graduate Program Orientation and Registration.

·      If you are an international student Attend International Student orientation and comply with all Office of International Student requirements. (

·      Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator on when you will arrive on campus

·      Complete paperwork for healthcare enrollment, tuition payments (at orientation).

·      Bring copies of Visa, Passport, Drivers’ License etc to orientation.

·      For international students: complete all items required by OIS

·      For International students: complete English Proficiency Test

First year Fall term and Spring term ·      Choose Track

·      Identify an advisor by January 15

·      Complete a total of 30 credits.

·      Present 10 minute mini-seminar on research experience or topic of interest at end of Spring Semester

·      Submit Selected Advisor form to Graduate Program Coordinator no later than January 30.

·      Complete Core and Required courses.

·      Initiate Laboratory Research Experience in Mentor’s lab

·      Prepare and present mini-seminar

·      Attend end of semester graduate student meeting

Second year Fall and Spring term ·      Organize a committee by September 15.

The committee will include at least three faculty including your primary advisor.

·      Submit Selected Committee Form to Graduate Program Coordinator by September 30.

·      Complete Laboratory Research Experience in Mentor’s lab

·      Elective Courses

·      Committee Meeting

·      Attend end of semester graduate student meeting.

·      Determine your date of defense and schedule with the Graduate Program Coordinator

·      Submit thesis document to committee members at least three weeks prior to your scheduled defense

·      Give 30 minute oral presentation about your research to committee.

·      Defend Your work by answering questions from the committee

·      At Closed Defense/ presentation have each member of committee complete the “Thesis-based MS defense Evaluation Form ” and submit to Graduate Program Coordinator.

Second year Spring or Summer term ·      Graduation ·      Graduation application must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the date of graduation defined by the University’s academic calendar. See Graduate Program Coordinator for information.

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